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Social Cooperation

18 abr/2017

The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz is directly involved in the social cooperation initiatives conducted in neighborhoods and communities adjacent to Fiocruz in Rio de Janeiro. These projects, which are conducted in socially vulnerable areas, engage young people and adults in activities that value local knowledge, develop citizenship, and advance social inclusion. Three initiatives that draw from the Casa’s experience in research, education, and the public communication of science and health are currently under way:

Weaving Hammocks for a Sustainable Planet Earth

This project fosters ongoing science education and popularization and connects public schools in Rio de Janeiro with the Museum of Life.

Manguinhos Workshop School (OEM)

The OEM offers a vocational course in the conservation and restoration of immovable cultural property for high school students, primarily from communities neighboring on Fiocruz in Rio de Janeiro. Workers assigned to the conservation of historical buildings on Fiocruz campuses also receive training at the workshop.

Cultural Production in the Public Communication of Science

Under the umbrella of the Museum of Life, this program provides space where sophomores and juniors from public high schools in communities adjacent to Fiocruz can learn about, create, and transmit culture

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