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Architecture, Urban Planning, and Cultural Heritage in Health

18 abr/2017

This research group aims to investigate the relations between heritage, architecture, urban planning, and health from both the historical and technological perspectives. Focusing on urban evolution, the group explores architectural styles and languages, especially from the 20th century. Its research lines and projects endeavor to reflect on the topic of the city within its historical and contemporary context and explore studies that identify and value cultural heritage in health.

Research area

Health institutions and cultural heritage

Studies in this area address the relations between urban planning, architecture, heritage, and health from a historical perspective. They identify and problematize the question of heritage by analyzing how health relates to the urban environment as well as to styles, typologies, and languages in architecture. Through its research lines and projects, the group contributes to the topic of the healthy city and to the valorization of architectural heritage in health.

Research group certified by The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

Health and City: Architecture, Urban Planning, and Cultural Heritage

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