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Master’s and PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health

18 abr/2017

The Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health conducts three lines of research: the history of medicine and disease; the history of the biomedical sciences; and the history of health policies, institutions, and professions.
As part of an endeavor to comprehend the processes by which scientific practices and fields have emerged and gained root, research and courses in the program address the leading issues occupying the contemporary scientific debate and pose new questions about the past.

The scholarship produced by faculty members and the master’s theses and doctoral dissertations written by graduate students reflect a focus on topics such as epidemics, gender, race, nature and the environment, the internationalization of the sciences, psychiatric practices, and others. Faculty researchers and graduate students have engaged in a rewarding dialogue with recent historiography on social and cultural history, as evidenced by their investigations of slavery and disease, reading practices, biographies, and science writing.

Applications for the master’s and doctoral programs are accepted annually in the second half of the calendar year. More information can be found on the website of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz Graduate Program.


Kaori Kodama

Assistant Coordinator

Lorelai Kury


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