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Application period open for the Professional Master’s in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage

01 out/2019

Classes are given in Portuguese and will begin in March 2020 at Fiocruz's Manguinhos campus, in Rio. 

Applications are now open, through November 8, 2019, for the Professional Master’s in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health, at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). The program is tailored to individuals who hold degrees in the human sciences, applied social sciences, and health sciences and who work or have an interest in the field of preservation. It is run by the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, a Fiocruz center with a strong reputation in research, teaching, documentation, and communication in the fields of public health and the biomedical sciences in Brazil.

This two-year Master’s program explores two lines of research: cultural heritage: history, memory, and society; and cultural heritage: preservation and management. Applicants should submit a research proposal relevant to one of the program’s research lines. The Graduate Committee is responsible for evaluating all proposals.

There are fifteen openings. Classes are given in Portuguese and will begin in March 2020. They are held at the Center for Documentation and History in Health, located on Fiocruz’s Manguinhos campus, in Rio de Janeiro.

The Graduate Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health is anchored in the acclaimed experience of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, renowned for its work in preserving Fiocruz’s hundred-year-old architectural heritage. The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz also holds one of Latin America’s most valuable historical collections on science and public health, which includes records and photographs recognized in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.

For more information, visit the website of the Graduate Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health or send an email to ppgpatrimonio@fiocruz.br.

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